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Chiropractic and NetworkSpinal™ Care

What is chiropractic?

What is chiropractic care?

It is a natural approach to health and wellness that aims to help everyone have an optimal expression of health and well-being, maximizing the human potential.


Chiropractic care focuses on the health and function of your spine and nervous system, the vital communication system (brain, spinal cord, and nerves), which regulates, organizes, and controls everything in your body.

Chiropractic care supports your natural ability to heal and adapt to life's stressors by adjusting vertebral subluxations, removing interference in your body's vital communication system.  (learn more about vertebral subluxations in FAQ below)

NetworkSpinal Care

NetworkSpinal Care is a gentle form of chiropractic care provided at Evolve Chiropractic. It helps your body create unique strategies (1,2) to reorganize excess tension, self-correct, function  and thrive at a higher level than before (3).  

What can NetworkSpinal Care do for you?

Your current state of health and well-being is a result of the way you've lived and how you've adapted to challenges and stress throughout your life. In response to physical, mental, emotional, and chemical stressors, your body and mind adapt, enabling you to survive.  You adapt by developing patterns of moving, thinking, and holding tension, etc.

When you are unable to adapt to the variety of stressors in a positive way, part of your system remains in a state of survival and defensiveness, decreasing your ability to grow, heal, and experience a full expression of life.

When your body is not adapting efficiently, it often produces pain to tell you something needs to change. 

NetworkSpinal Care offers a different paradigm in health and wellness care.  The unique strategies your body learns through care help you break free from old habits, get to the root causes of the dis-ease in your system, and create a life that is truly extraordinary (4,5)!


How well are you adapting?

At Evolve Chiropractic, we use INSiGHT™ scanning technologies to measure and track your nervous system’s adaptability.

With this state of the art equipment, we detect hidden patterns of damaging stress and track your changes throughout care.  This helps us ensure your spine and nervous system are becoming healthier and your ability to adapt and respond to life is improving. So what scans do we perform?


Heart Rate Variability

Is your nervous system able to kick into fight or flight and quickly respond to challenges?  Can it cool the jets and help you rest, digest, and heal when you need to?  And how much fuel do you have in the tank to do what your body needs to do? Measuring your heart rate variability allows us to see how adaptable you are to stress and gain insight to the energy you have for change.


Thermal Spine Scan

The same nerves that control and regulate your organs, tissues, and glands also control the dilation of blood vessels along your spine. With spinal thermal scanning we can see how well your body is regulating temperature and gain insight to hidden stress that may be impacting your organ and gland function.


Surface Electromyography

Your nervous system automatically controls every muscle along your spine to keep you upright and level with the horizon. With surface electromyography (EMG), we can see how well your nervous system is coordinating your postural muscle energy.  This gives us insight into areas of physical stress, imbalances in muscle control, and where your muscles are working too hard or not enough.


With all three scans, your data is compared to a massive database of healthy, well adapted spines to create your CORESCORE, which is a combined neural efficiency index that we use to measure your progress in care.

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Are You Ready
to Evolve?

After Your Consultation

If we decide to partner together to help you achieve optimal health, you can have a detailed evaluation of your spine, nervous system, and any concerns you may have.

Spinal Health Evaluations Include:

  • Digital Posture Analysis

  • Dual Scale Weight Distribution

  • Spinal Thermography (giving insight to spinal blood flow and autonomic nerve function)

  • Surface Electromyography of Postural Muscles (evaluating how your spinal muscles coordinate, revealing and imbalances in your spinal behavior)

  • Heart Rate Variability (HRV) measuring your adaptability and energy reserve

  • Motion Palpation (evaluating spinal movement)

  • Manual Muscle Testing (assessing proper joint and nerve function)

When Indicated:

  • Sensory and reflex testing

  • Referral for x-rays or advanced imaging

So we can focus on your needs and goals, our new patient intake questionnaire must be completed prior to your appointment. You will receive an emailed invitation to fill out our online intake questionnaire once you schedule your complimentary consultation. We are unable to begin your initial consultation if we do not receive your intake questionnaire.

You are invited to have an initial consultation so we can get to know each other, discuss your health and wellness goals, and find out if receiving NetworkSpinal Care at Evolve Chiropractic is the right fit for you.


Frequently Asked Questions

What are the benefits of chiropractic care?

Chiropractic care improves the communication of your body and nervous system, and supports your natural ability to self-heal, self-regulate, and self-organize, helping you to fully experience life and your potential.

Chiropractic care is an essential part of a healthy lifestyle and is known to help people in a variety of health situations. Many health conditions are secondary to inefficient adaptations to stress from your environment, diet, and/or life. Though chiropractic care is not a treatment for medical conditions, your body can resolve many secondary health conditions when your spine is healthier.

Many people receiving regular NetworkSpinal™ Care in our office report:

  • Improved sleep

  • Improved digestion

  • Better elimination

  • Feeling more relaxed

  • Improved ability to handle stress

  • Less anxiety

  • Easier, deeper breathing

  • Improved awareness of posture

  • Less frequent headaches

  • Less pain

  • Improved flexibility

  • Better, easier movement

  • Improved ability to listen to the body's needs

  • More confidence and mental clarity

  • And more...

We also see measurable improvement in:

  • Posture

  • Balance

  • Ranges of motion

  • Muscle strength and function

  • Muscle tension patterns

  • Spinal stress (indicated by spinal thermography)

Who should see a chiropractor?

Anyone who is seeking better health, function, adaptability, body awareness, and/or an overall higher level of health and well-being should have their spine checked regularly for interference to their nervous system. Interference to optimal function in your nervous system is often painless, so it is recommended that everyone have their spine evaluated to ensure they are heading toward optimal health.

Chiropractic care is safe and effective at any age and supports your ability to thrive throughout every stage of life.


Is Dr. Jason going to twist or “pop” my neck or back?

No. The form of care we provide does not involve the type of chiropractic adjustments many associate with twisting movements and the popping sound.

In NetworkSpinal™ Care, we apply light, gentle pressures to the spine and surrounding regions, developing two unique reorganizational waves that travel along the spine and throughout the entire nerve system. These precise pressures initiate a reorganizational process where the body learns to readjust affected nerve and spinal tissues. This readjustment is the result of breath movements increasing in the very low back, up the spine, and through the neck. This is known as the respiratory wave and is the first spinal wave developed in care. A second spinal wave develops known as the Network Spinal wave. Coordinated by the brain, this wave travels along the spine and through the arms and legs and central nervous system that promotes the development of new health and wellness strategies within the brain. (See the latest research below).

Here are some answers to common questions about twisting and popping most people associate with chiropractic care.

The popping sound many people associate with a spinal adjustment comes from the gases (oxygen, nitrogen, and carbon dioxide), temporarily moving out of the synovial fluid of the joint. When you "pop" or "crack" a joint, you stretch the joint capsule (ligament structure surrounding the joint). If the stretch is far enough, it creates a tiny vacuum, and the gases are rapidly released as bubbles. This is known as "cavitation." Over a period of about 20 minutes, the released gases dissolve back into the synovial fluid. A joint does not have to cavitate for an adjustment to occur, and just because a joint has been stretched enough to create a temporary release of tension and a cavitation (popping noise), this does not mean there was a corrective adjustment that took place.

The twisting movements associated with many forms of chiropractic adjustments are part of a method of creating the stretching mentioned above. During such maneuvers, a chiropractor provides specific pressures while creating short, quick stretches to help reposition misaligned bones or mobilize restricted tissues. This approach has helped many people for many years and is generally very safe.

We work with very different strategies in our office to achieve very different objectives. Our focus is to help your body learn to improve itself and reach a higher, more efficient level of self-organization.



What is a vertebral subluxation, and how does chiropractic care help?

A vertebral subluxation is defined by the Australian Spinal Research Foundation as "a diminished state of being, comprising of a state of reduced coherence, altered biomechanical function, altered neurological function and altered adaptability." (6)

Vertebral subluxations are a means of your body adapting to excessive stress from chemical, mental, or physical traumas. This adaptation acts as a type of short circuit to limit overactive nerve responses due to those stressors. While it is an intelligent response of your body, there are a cascade of issues that can happen because of this stress response when the body is unable to shift back to a normal, eased state.

Chiropractic care helps improve your body's adaptive process through various methods of adjusting vertebral subluxations. However, the underlying stress that your body had to respond to (and may still be responding to) must be addressed for sustainable changes to happen. This often requires changes to lifestyle and habits that created the imbalance in your system. Therefore, our intake questionnaires and regular evaluations of your health, spine, and nervous system are so detailed. Your optimal well-being involves much more than improving back pain, neck pain, and headaches.

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