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Meet Dr. Jason Dixon

"When you walk in purpose, you collide with destiny."

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From a young age, Dr. Jason knew he was sensitive to the energy field that surrounds us and is within our bodies. Growing up, he knew he wanted to help people become better, so they could collectively raise the energy and vibration of the world. He just didn't know how. 

One day he was considering his future with his best friend and kicking around ideas of what he could do with his life. His friend looked at him and said, "Jason, if you want to help people, become a chiropractor." 

Dr. Jason felt that statement resonate deep in his soul and knew from that day he had to become a chiropractor.


Every decision he made, every step he took, was to take him closer to becoming a chiropractor. Before he knew it, he was heading to Parker University to study for his Doctor of Chiropractic.


All of the hard work and sacrifice was well worth it! He gets to share his gifts, which help Practice Members align with themselves, their creator, and their soul, so they can live the life of their dreams.

Dr. Jason's Education and Certifications

  • Doctor of Chiropractic

  • Applied Kinesiology Certification

  • NetworkSpinal Care Certifications

Dr. Jason graduated with honors from Parker University, receiving a Doctor of Chiropractic degree in 2015. He is well versed in many chiropractic techniques, attended multiple advanced technique seminars while in school, and has traveled around the country studying an amazing form of care known as NetworkSpinal. He loves the way this care helps practice members unleash their potential, and improve their spines, minds, and lives in incredible ways.


Dr. Jason is certified in Applied Kinesiology by the ICAK and has achieved 2 certifications in NetworkSpinal Care through the EpiEnergetics™ Foundation. He continues to travel, study, and enhance his skills to deliver outstanding, life-changing care. Dr. Jason works with practice members to achieve a higher level of integrity in their spine and nervous system so they can live and perform at a higher level than ever before. 

Above All is Family

Family is everything to Dr. Jason and Jenna, who is his wife of 13 years, best friend, business partner, and partner in crime. They met in high school, and the rest is history - a love story for the ages perhaps. Over the 20 years they've known each other, they've had the honor and privilege of watching each other grow into who they are are today and look forward to what the future holds. Dr. Jason and Jenna live right here in Fort Worth, and love helping to create and engage in a community who wants to positively impact the world with their gifts.


Together they have the joy and honor of the care and keeping of their pups Molly, Dale, and Sammy, who are all adopted from city animal shelters. Their doggies are family. The dogs love taking their humans on sunrise walks every day, playing in the backyard with their toys, weaseling treats out of the humans, taking naps, and, most of all, traveling with their human chauffeurs on their vacations. Everyone's favorite vacation is going to the beach and soaking in the sunshine, and Molly in particular LOVES the ocean.


Dr. Jason spends his downtime with his family, playing his guitar, watching good movies, and playing a good hand of cards. He's also working on his chess skills!

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