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Your Home for Personal Evolution

You can change your health and align with your purpose with the help of our holistic approach to chiropractic care that you can't find anywhere else in Fort Worth

Our Approach to Chiropractic is Different

NetworkSpinal® Care provides gentle, intuitive adjustments that do more than just temporarily relieve pain and symptoms of dis-ease. They help to liberate the inborn intelligence in your body, and help you develop unique strategies of growth and healing. These strategies help you move to a place of optimal health, wellness, and ease, which can help you align with your purpose and live the life of your dreams.

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Meet Dr. Jason Dixon

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Since 2015, Dr. Jason has been helping practice members improve their health and align with their purpose so they can live the life of their dreams. Dr. Jason is Fort Worth's only NetworkSpinal practitioner!


He loves connecting with practice members to really understand what is going on in their lives, and how that is impacting their health and their spines and keeping them from achieving their goals.


But we think Dr. Jason is more than a chiropractor. He's a compassionate, loving mentor, coach, and cheerleader for our practice members and is always looking to enrich the lives around him and raise the vibrational energy of the field for the benefit of all of humanity.

Join us for our next class:

The Power of Breathwork

with Dr. Jason and Pavla Haluskova

Tuesday, July 18th from 6pm-7:00pm


Join us for a special workshop with Dr. Jason and Pavla Haluskova and learn how to harness the power of breathwork for deeper connection and healing.

  • Learn how different patterns of breath can be used for different purposes.

  • Discover the power of combining breath with different hand positions and phrases.

  • Learn to breathe into blocked energy and tension for a deeper connection with yourself.

From Our Practice Members...

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"It's a deep level of healing that works holistically on all levels."

“My life has changed dramatically. I have more confidence and I feel more centered and aligned in my life. I feel like a different person from when I started to now. I wasn’t getting the kind of results I wanted through normal chiropractic, and I think I would have been stuck in the same place if I didn’t get to experience this whole, magical practice. It's a deep level of healing that works holistically on all levels. It's not just chiropractic, in my opinion, it’s so much more than that. I leave feeling so much more energetic, connected, and centered. If you’ve ended up here, there’s a reason for it.” -Dixie D.

Are You a Seeker?

Are You a Seeker?

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Are you ready to learn how our care can change your life?

How to Find Us

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Office Hours
Monday - Thursday 9am-1pm/3pm-6pm
Friday 9am-11am

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Evolve Chiropractic, upcoming events, classes, and new resources!

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