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Chiropractic and NetworkSpinal® Care

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What is chiropractic care?

It is a natural approach to health and wellness that aims to help everyone have an optimal expression of health and well-being, maximizing the human potential.


Chiropractic care focuses on the health and function of your spine and nervous system, the vital communication system (brain, spinal cord, and nerves), which regulates, organizes, and controls everything in your body.

Chiropractic care supports your natural ability to heal and adapt to life's stressors by adjusting vertebral subluxations, removing interference in your body's vital communication system.  (learn more about vertebral subluxations in our FAQ)

What is NetworkSpinal Care

NetworkSpinal Care is a gentle form of chiropractic care provided at Evolve Chiropractic. It helps your body create unique strategies (1,2) to reorganize excess tension, self-correct, function  and thrive at a higher level than before (3).  

What can NetworkSpinal Care do for you?

Your current state of health and well-being is a result of the way you've lived and how you've adapted to challenges and stress throughout your life. In response to physical, mental, emotional, and chemical stressors, your body and mind adapt, enabling you to survive.  You adapt by developing patterns of moving, thinking, and holding tension, etc.

When you are unable to adapt to the variety of stressors in a positive way, part of your system remains in a state of survival and defensiveness, decreasing your ability to grow, heal, and experience a full expression of life.

When your body is not adapting efficiently, or you are not living in alignment with the life you are meant to live, it hurts. Pain is there to tell you something needs to change. 

NetworkSpinal Care offers a different paradigm in health and wellness care.  The unique strategies your body learns through care help you break free from old habits, get to the root causes of the dis-ease in your system, and create a life that is truly extraordinary (4,5)!


This video provides a deep dive into NetworkSpinal Care and the unique Network Wave we help you develop. See three detailed demonstrations of NetworkSpinal Care and discover how this unique care is helping people transform their lives.

Fundamentals of NetworkSpinal Care

Fundamentals of NetworkSpinal Care

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Are You Ready
to Evolve?

You are invited to have a free phone consultation so we can get to know each other, discuss your health and wellness goals, and find out if receiving NetworkSpinal Care at Evolve Chiropractic is the right fit for you.

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